Full Protective Outer Gear
Full Protective Outer Gear
This section has information about protective gear other than helmets. For helmet information go to Gear: Motorcycle Helmets. For the research on full protective outer gear and helmets go to Research.
Guidance for Choosing Protective Gear:
Protective Gear Brochure: This is a 2023 Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning Brochure, the content of which was written/developed by SMARTER – makes an excellent handout. But if you want to create your own here is a word document template – we just ask that you credit SMARTER and include a link to this page.
Tips For Choosing the Best Motorcycle Gear is a September 2022 well-organized, and comprehensive article written by an insurance provider in India – so skip the last part about insuring your motorcycle. The outline format allows readers to go directly to the topic of your interest. How to Pick Motorcycle Protective Gear is a blog post by Cardo Systems a powersports communication provider – so ignore the links and references to speakers and communication systems and focus of the quality information regarding gear selection. Motorcycle Riding Gear Guide is by Web Bike World. There are articles describing the basics, selection guides, reviews and Web Bike World top selections for each piece of gear. We recommend starting with the articles about the basics and/or the selection guides.
Personal Protective Gear for the Motorcyclist: The Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF), as part of its Cycle Safety Information series, produced this four-page document describing all aspects of head-to-toe riding gear and protective apparel in varying weather conditions.
- Fool’s Gear vs. Cool Gear Video: A takeoff on the iconic poster at right, and linked below, this 2:16 MSF video takes a head-to-toe tour that compares fool’s gear to cool, protective gear and concludes that “Fool’s gear identifies a rider who’s unaware of the risks or doesn’t take motorcycling seriously.”
- Fool’s Gear vs. Cool Gear Poster: A pdf version of the image.
- Comparing Motorcycle Riding Gear: A textiles-versus-leathers analysis by Robyn Smith, originally posted on the UK-based site formerly known as “Best Motorcycle Information”.
- Protective Equipment for Riders: This 16-page booklet produced by the European Safer Urban Motorcycling (eSUM) Project offers clear guidelines on how to choose personal protective equipment and shows the evidence-based benefits of wearing jackets, trousers, footwear, gloves, and head and face protection.
- MotoCAP, or the Motorcycle Clothing Assessment Program, is a consumer information program designed to provide riders with scientifically-based information on the relative protection and comfort on a range of motorcycle protective jackets, pants and gloves available in Australia and New Zealand (many tested products are available worldwide). MotoCAP’s aim is to empower motorcyclists to choose the right gear that provides them with the best protection and comfort for their ride. The right gear can greatly reduce the likelihood of permanent injuries from a crash and shorten hospital recovery times. This paper describes the Development the Motorcycle Clothing Assessment Program known as MotoCAP.
- Rock the Gear: Up-to-date information on all the latest technologies in protective apparel, with links to new articles from industry wide sources, and passionate support for wearing all the gear all the time.
- Cycle Sports Radio host Patrick Harris discusses motorcycle-specific gear with Brittany Morrow, CEO and founder of Rock the Gear, who knows firsthand the devastating consequences of not wearing proper gear and crashing; view this hour-long video where the two discuss head-to-toe (helmet-to-boots) gear options, the myths about gear, and the reality of what it does to help save your life.