Going the Extra Mile for SMARTER
There are a number of individuals we want to recognize for their extra support and dedication to SMARTER. These individuals have not only supported what we do by becoming members, they have gone beyond the usual by extra donation of time, energy, and dollars to support our cause. Some of them have served or are now serving on our board of directors.
Dr. Don Smith
Gerene M. Denning
Chad Teachout
Sean Duperron
Diane Tammens
Steve Lick
Scott Shoup
Jason Bradford
Jorge Cerame
Eric Larson
Randy Travelbee
Ben Cole
Kim Cloud
Jon Twork
Linda Thompson
Eugene Pratt II
Jon DelVecchio
Dan Petterson
Dean & Sharon Ginther
Phil Hanford
Bruce Tapio
Denise Ruffing
Rich Henrion
Tom Hampton
Mark Plant
Susan Bogart
Karla McLouth
The following are or have been organizational members of SMARTER
Michigan Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association
Epilepsy Foundation of Michigan
SMARTER has a formal supporting partnership with the Transportation Improvement Association of Michigan (TIA)
We tip our protective lid in acknowledgement of the extra dedication and support provided by these individuals and organizations.
Thank you.